Endings and Beginnings for 2016

2015 has been my 34th year in this world; as me. Sandra. Woman. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Cousin. Aunt. Friend. Advocate. Humanitarian. Storyteller. Wanderer. Quiet Riot. Lover of life.

34 will come to an end on January 5th, 2016. In just 3 days, I will be turning 35. I’m excited!!

If you’ve been following along, you know that 17 is my number. The number that symbolizes both beginnings and ends for me.

34 marks 2 complete rounds of my 17. If the first 17 years of my life were used to find myself and my purpose, the next 17 were for building that foundation.

I’ve known for a long time that this was going to be one of the biggest years of my life. Another turning point. A game changer. I knew this, and yet, I underestimated just how life changing this year was going to be.

I’m on the 17th chapter of my second book of life. Today, I’m just putting the final edits on my conclusion. The ending.

But like all good endings, this one is just another beginning.

As I wrap up the conclusion to volume 2, I have already framed the introduction for my volume 3.

I have never been one for resolutions. Creating a resolution implies that you have a problem that is in need of solving. I don’t believe in problems; just opportunities for continued growth. So, instead of resolutions, I dedicate a word to the year ahead. A word that will guide me and help shape the rest of it. 2015 started and ended with “create”.


Create opportunities for speaking to share messages and knowledge.

Create art in every aspect of my life.

Create my story by writing more openly and freely.

Create opportunities to physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally explore even more parts of the world.

Create the space in myself for the absorption of knowledge and truth.

Create the life I want to live for the next 17.

In 2015, I created more than I thought possible and am now looking more forward to 2016 than ever.

The word I have assigned to 2016 is “invest”.


Invest my energy into the relationships that I value and less in those that do not nurture my soul.

Invest in myself by doing more of the things I’ve always enjoyed and making time to do the things I have always wanted to do.

Invest in my health by continuing to make it a top priority.

Invest in ideas that I have for personal and professional growth.

Invest my finances in travel, education and other ways that will continue to enhance my future self.

Invest in my legacy by continuing to share my story and expanding the reach of my knowledge, experience and truth.

Invest in love because I have neglected that part of myself for far too long.

I don’t know what the next 17 years has in store for me. What I do know, is that I’ve never been more excited to be alive. Happy New Year everyone!!!